One Step Closer

It's been hard to get this post up due to HTML errors and not a clue as to what they meant....

Sunday Kenton took a major step toward it's new incarnation as an Evangelical Presbyterian Church. About 2/3rds of our active membership [46] stayed for a congregational vote on Session's recommendation to seek dismissal to the EPC. The vote was 44-2 in favor, so letters will be written this week to Presbytery conveying the official request and we will be on the docket for November's meeting.

What I want to do is take this opportunity to thank two groups of people. First is the Presbytery's Resolution Team. They did a great job working with Kenton. Soon into the process they realized that what was best for us was to see us dismissed with grace. They continue to work toward being our advocates during the upcoming Presbytery meeting. They were scattered over a wide distance which made some face-to-face meetings hard but they got the work done.

The second group is Kenton's Negotiating team. Rich, Bob, Benell and Bev did a wonderful job in making sure the right questions were asked and answered. They spent hours reading, composing, questioning and tweaking documents and responses. Rich has spent even more time directly dealing with our attorney as we write up final papers for the process. I can't tell you what a blessing such people are to a congregation like Kenton.

To those regularly at Kenton... you need to grab hold of these folks and thank them for their work. In many ways they have laid the groundwork for the direction Kenton will be headed for our second hundred years. Kenton Church [EPC] may not be birthed yet but these two groups have helped make the process a whole lot easier than it could have been.

Thanks to you all.


  1. Woo hoo!

    Free at last! (or almost...)

  2. Praise God!

    I keep you all in my prayers. Very similar sized congregations with; I am sure, very similar convictions.

    May the Lord of all carry you forward.


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