Worship Planning 2.0
I'd love to sleep seven hours straight through without waking up but that's not my lot. So at 4 am I wake up and start thinking about what a reformation in worship would look like in this day and age. What I'm suggesting is not new. Heck, it's probably been around since Al Gore invented the internet [LOL] but then again I'm sometimes a bit slower than others are. So here goes. I'm proposing a way to develop a service of worship, sermon, environs, music and other aspects of worship. A couple of statements before we start HC stands for "Host Church" I'm not into psalms only, regulative principle, or going back to the 1500's as a model for worship. Some are called to do that, my predestination lies along another path The tools used to accomplish what I'm talking about are probably out there. I can think of Google documents, IM programs, GodTube , and probably a dozen more. This ALL HAPPENS UNDER A COVERING OF PRAYER. I'm not do