
Showing posts from October, 2011

Mercy and Ministry

Kenton has a long history of working with those who are resource challenged. A great deal of this has been overseas on mission fields from Ethiopia to the Sudan. There have been forays into local work as well from one week trips to other communities to Kenton's involvement with founding Portland Organizing Project in the early 90's. The last few years we've tried to become more one-to-one in our approach. We have sponsored children and families through Prison Fellowship's Angel Tree and have made and distributed lunches to about 75 homeless people once every couple of months. We've also invited the pastor of Knowing Me ministries to speak at our church at various times. I mention all of this so that you might take five minutes and read this link about mercy ministries . It is well thought out and his points at the end are worth printing out and going over at every mission committee you have. Peace, Alan