
Showing posts from June, 2008

Mourning for the PC(USA) or "where do we look for the true church now"

Alternative titles for this posting included: "Thank you very much sir, may I have another" and, my son's option, "So long and thanks for all the fish." GA is at lunch. I imagine many will have a hard time holding food down after the debacle this morning. I outlived being a conspiracy theorist but I can't help wonder at what happened. Last night we undertook a new mission initiative to raise 2 million dollars so we might, in the words of the commissioner from Denver, "litigate in a graceful way". This morning we started off by being fair and limiting debate to one minute. This is because there's a lot of stuff to get through. [ side note: didn't they see this coming when they authorized guest speakers, ecumenical greetings and DVD's months before the GA? ] Yeah Gradey was elected moderator which might be like getting promoted to captain April 15, 1912 on the Titanic. His election was overshadowed by all that followed. In just over 90 ...

Observations on GA 2

It's a mixed bag and a very disturbing one to me in particular. First the sort of good news is that we affirmed a "common faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior." Sure we don't affirm any allegiance to Jesus, just faith. [1] It sort of reminds me a few GA's ago when we put in our constitution "marriage was a covenant between a man and a woman". It bothers me when we "legislate" the obvious, orthodox and historical truth of the Body of Christ. At 10 p.m. the death knell for any ongoing contribution of per capita was sounded. O3-21 (text follows): That the 218th General Assembly (2008) do the following: 1. Provide funds to the Office of General Assembly for the purpose of sharing the cost of legal fees defending our Constitution against the New Wineskins Non-geographic Presbytery of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and a group which has joined that denomination. 2. From these funds, reimburse the Presbyter...

Observations on GA 1

Dr. Rodger was misleading at best. In discussion about the minority report on the Heidelberg catechism he said that only one English translation used the term "homosexual perversion". I did a quick search on and found that although the word "perversion" was not used the concept of "homosexuality" is in deed present in the NIV, NLT, CEV, NASB. I like the man. I've taken classes from him. I've enjoyed his conversation and insight but the last few years his investment in the pro-homosexual agenda has made him disingenuous. Alan

218th General Assembly

This is one of those posts that is SO denominationally oriented many of you will have fallen asleep already.. . that's okay, it's not for everyone. I wanted to give everyone a heads up for a couple of sights that you need to be aware of. First is This has all the business of the General Assembly on it and you can actually follow it as it goes through committee. It should have the final reports too as they area generated. Having said that, it's not up right now [8 pm PDT Saturday, June 21, 2008]. But I anticipate they will get the problems worked out since this is how the commissioners to GA are getting their information. You do have to register for this site but if you're interested in how some things turn out it will be well worth your time. This site will be important for Monday and Tuesday as the committees meet and do their work. Second is which allow you to watch the action at Ge...

A Tale of Two Presbyteries

The PC[USA] faces a sever lack of consistency among its beliefs. Some Presbyteries ordain openly practicing homosexual persons [1] others make statements that they will not ordain such persons. Some presbyteries have a list of essential tenets [2] and most don't. On June 10 th 's Presbyweb [3] displayed this continued lack of meaningful "connectionalism" was loud and clear in two articles arranged literally over one another. The first is a letter , by Noel Anderson reporting how the Presbytery of San Joaquin unanimously dismissed Millbrook Presbyterian Church to the EPC with their property. Below this is a report from Presbyterian Layman about the Presbytery of Southern Louisiana and Woodlawn Presbyterian Church of New Orleans. The presbytery sought a "temporary restraining order" to keep the church from meeting to vote on seeking dismissal from the PC[USA]. The parish court denied presbytery's request. Maybe it's my political science ba...

Happy Father's Day

In our household when one of my boys ask what I want for Father's day, Christmas or my birthday, my stock answer is "Your undying love and unquestioned obedience". Needless to say, I'm still waiting. I came across this video from an email ad from GodTube and thought it worth sharing. It reminded me of the fact that when my father died, 22 years ago, he and I had become friends. You who are father's remember the little things count. Those who aren't father's but whose father's are alive remember the love and obedience request. Have a great day Dads. Alan