Mourning for the PC(USA) or "where do we look for the true church now"
Alternative titles for this posting included: "Thank you very much sir, may I have another" and, my son's option, "So long and thanks for all the fish." GA is at lunch. I imagine many will have a hard time holding food down after the debacle this morning. I outlived being a conspiracy theorist but I can't help wonder at what happened. Last night we undertook a new mission initiative to raise 2 million dollars so we might, in the words of the commissioner from Denver, "litigate in a graceful way". This morning we started off by being fair and limiting debate to one minute. This is because there's a lot of stuff to get through. [ side note: didn't they see this coming when they authorized guest speakers, ecumenical greetings and DVD's months before the GA? ] Yeah Gradey was elected moderator which might be like getting promoted to captain April 15, 1912 on the Titanic. His election was overshadowed by all that followed. In just over 90 ...