A Difference of Note

Being properly shamed into posting…thanks Toby, this one will be a couple of quick observations about the New Wineskins Convocation. Part of the meeting involved a "NWEPC Support Network Meeting" [Presbytery]. The docket and paper work was one page. If this sort of thing happened in Cascades, Staples, Office Max, and the whole lumber industry would be hurting more than they already are. Second, as Toby stated, Prayer was central, constant and a holy experience of the presence of the Father. Third, for me the biggie, there remains a sense of trust between our congregations. In Cascades, I've heard questions being followed by long, disruptive discussion. Similar questions at the convocation were met with, can we visit about those changes later and a head nod. There was no sense of dread about what may come out of the visit.

John Shuck, IMHO a wannabe theologian, has dubbed us New Winos; so be it. I would much rather be lumped into that category than the liberal wienie, whiners who seem to think "We are the World," Hillary Clinton, and boycotting the latest fast food chain will usher in the Kingdom of heaven. In the movie "Shallow Hal" Jack Black undergoes a life changing experience as he comes to experience and see truth. On the other hand the liberals, Jason Alexander, remains shallow and attempts to destroy the transformation. New Wineskins is the place in which we've experienced and seen the truth of what it means to be recaptured by Christ. We're not trying to make the Bible say what we want it to say. We're not trying to make God into our image. We're just happy remaining in His presence and following He who has adopted us.

If that steps on the toes of my progressive, socially engaged, liberal, and denominationally lock-stepped sisters and brothers in Christ tough.



  1. Alan,

    I thought you might have died, but no, you just have been preoccupied with more important matters. Glad your back and now I know what you really think -- as if I didn't before.

    Can I now count you among my conservative brethren? Sounds like your moving more right, I mean to the right all the time.

    This is just to say I was really getting tired of having that guy in the white shirt appearing on my screen.

    Thoughts from a stranger mind than yours.

  2. Alan,
    It was good meeting you, even if just briefly, in Sacramento.

    May the Lord continue to work in and through you and the saints at Kenton, that by the power of the Holy Spirit the supremecy of Jesus Christ over all things might shine forth in ever increasing measure, to the glory of our Father in heaven.

    Abiding with you,

  3. Alan,
    It was good meeting you, even if just briefly, in Sacramento.

    May the Lord continue to work in and through you and the saints at Kenton, that by the power of the Holy Spirit the supremecy of Jesus Christ over all things might shine forth in ever increasing measure, to the glory of our Father in heaven.

    Abiding with you,

  4. Liked the comparison to Shallow Hal...

  5. Alan, I hate the term "winos" being used to describe anything. As an ex-alcoholic, I know something of the shame that term encapsulates. I've already berated John about this, and hope that he and his ilk will use it less. It's the equivalent of using the 'n' word, to an alcoholic.


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