Eighteen Month Difference

Eighteen months ago Wordle showed this blog like this:

2009 brought about a change as you can see.

We have changed the direction of the church. We are now able to move ahead without worry that the latest "denominational drama" will threaten our church and it's members.

We have changed the vision of the church. Our urban congregation is on the verge of doing great things for our community. There is a new confidence as we step out in faith that the structure is there to help not hinder such work.

We have changed the energy level of the church. We're not bigger and we're certainly not younger; but there is a new found vitality to attempt to tackle bigger things for the sake of Christ. No longer is our energy used up in fighting against heresies disguised as truth and promoted as God's will.

Today I don't make excuses for the General Assembly or Presbytery, nor do I have too. Today my stomach doesn't know up when I read Presbyweb, Outlook or read "Presbyterian" in the news. Today, when I read about the latest PJC decision and the rest, I pray for those who have chosen to remain behind and fight the fight.

It has been a new day for Kenton Church. We're focused on what's most important and going about sharing the gospel in hands-on, powerful ways. What's more, 2010 will only get better.




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