Interesting site to check out
Just a quick note to share with you a site that offers free web templates. This was shared with me by a friend and member and my personal favorite is called "deep". It seems a bit flash intensive but it's really pretty cool. "Stepping Stone" is another clean and neat template although my 50+ year old eyes need darker text to make it work for me.
Have fun, stay close to Christ and say a good word about Jesus today to someone else.
Just a quick note to share with you a site that offers free web templates. This was shared with me by a friend and member and my personal favorite is called "deep". It seems a bit flash intensive but it's really pretty cool. "Stepping Stone" is another clean and neat template although my 50+ year old eyes need darker text to make it work for me.
Have fun, stay close to Christ and say a good word about Jesus today to someone else.
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