FIle under "What are they smoking?"

Not having written for a while I was intrigued with a couple of items which passed through the web pipeline and across my desk. The first is Presbyterian Publishing Corporation. Push the "About us" button and you'll read the following: Building on the Reformed tradition, the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation seeks to glorify God by contributing to the spiritual and intellectual vitality of Christ's church. To that end, PPC publishes resources that advance religious scholarship, stimulate conversation about moral values, and inspire faithful living."

I would suggest they amend it to read "Ignoring our Reformed tradition, the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation seeks to undermine the spiritual and intellectual vitality of Christ's church. To that end, PPC publishes resources that advance speculative (at best) religious scholarship, push aside traditional moral values, and seek to derail any sense of faithfulness in following Jesus." Need an example? Just check out the new book which they will publish "Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action" by David Ray Griffen. Is it any wonder why our denomination is in crisis?

The second was a note from a site called which is scary simply because the people who are signatories to their agenda actually believe this c%$p. I am afraid the Washington office of our beloved church will get hold of this and seek to add our denomination's voice to the abomination presented in their agenda.

Is that too harsh? Not at all, at least it isn't a whip declaring God's house to be a house of prayer and not sexual immorality (bet I hear about that last comment).




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